Book Review: The Humans by Matt Haig

Growing up, we all watched movies about aliens. In other instances, we have read books where an alien tends to be the center of attention, allowing us (readers) more liberty to picture an image of that creature. But do you ever realize that what is alien to us can also feel alienated from us? In … Continue reading Book Review: The Humans by Matt Haig

Book review: like the flowing river

Thoughts and Reflections by Paulo Coelho. Paulo Coelho is among those writers, I start my reading journey with. I read a couple of books written by him but, unfortunately, I didn’t found them appealing enough to continue. The interesting aspect is that the more I admire his quotes; philosophical and thought-provoking words. The less bounding … Continue reading Book review: like the flowing river

Book Review: Da god Ov small things by Arundhati Roy

Da god of small things — is a story of twins. Two-egg twins and Of their small world. I don’t actually know how to summarize this book. Sometimes, I just feel unable with this quality. But I wanna share some feelings I went through while reading it. Some books contains surprises in them. I explored some throughout … Continue reading Book Review: Da god Ov small things by Arundhati Roy