

Bio: Hi, I am Fatima. I am a recycler (which means I try to recycle stuff: paper, plastic, cloth & more). I am also a struggling minimalist. (I thought struggling should sound better than failed). I write for a living (technical/web copywriter) and survival (poems/verses). I also like to get my hands dirty in culinary stuff (actually, it doesn't sound right - I loathe mess - take it literally) but cannot cook in unkempt spaces. I am also a reader (once an avid one). I hope to help people learn the importance of handed-down material (crazy consumerism is outrageous). You can reach out to me at fatimanaqvis@yahoo.com (don't forget to mention the subject + to come directly to the point = clarity in the communication).

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9 thoughts on “About

  1. Pingback: The Sunshine Blogger Award | Matt and His Cats

  2. Pingback: 2016 Resolutions Book Tag! | Words. . . I Need Words. . .

  3. Pingback: Happy Anniversary to Me! <3 – Words. . . I Need Words. . .

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